Hi all,

Please, I'd like to know if it was talked about the Breastfeeding Global
Forum, at LACTNET, before, because I'd like to put some informations
about this, but I didn't want to be bored...

The Global Forum it will be in Thailand, 2nd-6th december '96 and it's a
initiative of WABA - World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. May be I
could put at LACTNET the "Global Forum folder".

Let me know if that is ok.


To Nancy Sherwood: I think that WABA Secretariat in Penang could
help you giving some info about breastfeeding groups in Thailand, their
e-mail is: <[log in to unmask]>, and you could talk about this with Sara Amin.

Denise Arcoverde
Grupo Origem
WABA Brasil.