On Thu, 15 Feb 1996, Jill Meltzer wrote:

> it be nice if some agency or group with some funds could produce a
> certificate of Appreciation to send these companies complimenting them on
> their very wise and important decsions to be breastfeeding baby friendly?????

How about an award for "baby-friendliest" workplace,
"baby-friendliest" store, restaurant... Could be annually given,
sponsored by LLLI, pump companies, scientific associations, nursing
clothes companies (they're great ...)
And how about a competition between budding fashion poeple for nursing
everyday clothes... the idea being that nursing clothes are normal
clothes, to be worn nursing or not ...

Louise Denhez, M.D., M.P.H
Chargee d'enseignement clinique
Departement de medecine sociale et preventive