I do the same as Lisa--I offer a pump trial for a very reasonable cost and
let the mother try out all the pumps I sell, the electric if she wishes, and
I teach her how to hand express. During the time she is there (usually about
30-45 min.) we talk about storing milk, etc. When women call to ask about
buying a pump, I explain that I don't like to sell them a pump they haven't
tried, so encourage them to come in for a pump trial. I usually make a sale,
but even if I haven't, the woman has had an opportunity to try several pumps
and see what feels the best. And when I sell a pump, I know she got the one
she liked best and that will probably work the best for her. It's a bit of a
hassle cleaning the pumps, but I like providing this kind of service.

Leslie Ayre-Jaschke, BEd, IBCLC
Peace River, Alberta, Canada