To all:
Just reading our national paper Toronto Globe and Mail and an article re:"
breastfeediing, cancer link not found in study but there is one exception"
jumps out at me. This article says " Breastfeeding has little effect on
breast cancer, U.S. researchers suggest today after a large study intended
to settle a long-lasting debate. This was a study compiled by Dr. Karin
Michels and colleagues at the Harvard School of Public Health dipped into an
existing study of 120,000 U.S. Nurses, who regularly fill out questionnaires
on all aspects of their health........{don't want to quote everything}.....
There was one exception in the Harvard results-- women who had just one
child and breastfed had a lower risk of cancer than women who had one child
and did not breastfeed."

Has anyone read this study in more detail? How can having just one child
make a difference? or is this a vote for decreasing world population?
Unfortunately this has been my month for thinking about breast cnacer.

I was just catching up on yesterday's lactmail. Is this the study that you
were referring to Elizabeth B?

Attie Sandink RN. IBCLC.<[log in to unmask]>