The new study is in Lancet, and it was data pulled from that giant
longitudinal study of nurses.  I heard about it from Queen Martha in Ohio
who is currently not on LactNet.  From her description, she said the authors
state that nursing one baby gives protection against breast cancer compared
to nursing no baby, but that *overall* there is no relationship.  I don't
know what that means.  I will have to go look at it myself before I comment
further.  But there are plenty of studies showing a definite protective
benefit from breastfeeding, so please don't everyone conclude that this new
study invalidates all the old ones.  Please, please, will someone do a study
where the women are actually breastfeeding for a reasonable length of time,
like 2-3 years per child for 4-5 children?  By reasonable I mean "natural"
or "evolutionarily expected."

Kathy Dettwyler