Hello Lactnetters,  My name is Janaki Costello.  I'm a LLLL, IBCLC, Certified
Doula and CCE in the Berkeley, CA. area. I am attempting to build up a
private practice in lactation while working as a doula and childbirth
educator at The Birth and Bonding Family Center in Albany, CA.  I also lead
support groups for pregnant women at the Center.   I've been enjoying Lactnet
for a few weeks and thank you all for the informative discussions!
A mom I worked with over the telephone asked me to share some good news with
you all concerning Cystic Fibrosis.  She is a 32 yr. old mother who has CF
and is currently successfully breastfeeding a 5 month old.  She called me
because her baby had a several weeks long bout of diarrhea which the dr.
finally labeled 'colitis'.  He never lost weight during this time and
continued to thrive.  He is negative for CF.  The mom did eliminate dairy
from her diet.  She wanted me to share that she is doing well despite
predictions that she wouldn't live to adulthood or be able to have a baby.
 She was breastfed as an infant (don't know how long).  She has a plentiful
milk supply and no problems with breastfeeding.  YAY!!!
For Bean Richter who asked about postpartum doulas and breastfeeding; we
teach workshops at the Birth and Bonding Center on how postpartum doulas work
with their clients regarding breastfeeding and other issues.  If you want
more info, e-mail me at [log in to unmask] and I'll give you more details!
I enjoyed all the discussions about birthing also because as a doula and LC
I'm frequently frustrated/angry at the effects the interventions/drugs have
on the breastfeeding relationship.
Again, thanks to all of you for this wonderful service!
Janaki Costello, IBCLC, LLLL, CD, CCE