Hospitals aren't always the enemy.  During my first birth in 1982, a 24 hour
labour, unlimited walking, showers, chose my own positions at all times, no
monitors. I had pethedine because I asked for it, and gas & air, because I
asked for it. My second stage was looooong :-( and resulted in a forceps
delivery and large episiotomy.  However, my baby was delivered onto my
stomach, Dad cut the cord, baby went to the breast as soon as she wanted,
stayed with me, fed in my bed in the hospital, and the breastfeeding
experience was a delight from start to finish (weaned herself at 3yrs and 3
months, not counting the few weeks she went back to the breast after her
brother was born).  The issue here is a well-informed mother and consent. I
never felt cheated or a failure. I was on a high from the moment of delivery.
Baby no 2: identical labour, pethedine, gas BUT lightning second stage. No
intervention (doctor very laid back - watched TV till the last minute) and a
slight perineal tear.  Baby used to slide off the breast and took several
attempts to latch at each feed, I believe because the pethedine hadn't had
time to wear off before delivery. BUT, I was not a first-time mother,
relaxed, pumped full of prolactin, and post-natally euphoric again.  This
one weaned himself at 3 yrs and 9 months.
I have never felt my hospital birth experiences were anything but positive.

Lesley McBurney, Brisbane, Australia - HOT!!!