I'm from Florida and I assumed that the flakey, seedy nipples I have seen
were due to a normal variation in skin response to the extra estrogens of
pregnancy I've only noted it in women of color and it "appears" to be a
hyper-pigmentation of the areolar and immediate tissues (skin) it takes on
a "crusty" feel is easily peeled or scraped off with normal nipple
manipulation and infant latch-on.

Its pretty scary to the mom and she is usually embarrassed about it one of
the first mom's I noted and "helped" with brf ended up quitting because I
didn't have an explanation and couldn't find anyone else who had a clue. I
could't unequivocally give her reassurance to it's normalcy and safety. She
may have been embarrassed more than anything she kept saying how gross it
made her baby look. He came off the breast looking like he got into a bag
of oreo cookies.
      The next African-American mom I served who had this type of crusty
nipple and areolae said she's had it a long time never did anything about
it. From then on I tell my mom's it wears off soon. NOOO problem !!! It's
the only time I've ever recommended L------h BEFORE latch on to soften the
skin but I've found olive oil to work marvelously as well !  I'd love to
see what a dermatologist has to say about it.