Dear Marie.... Here is a quote from the letter I sent to the J.P. "Although the exact mechanism
does not yet seem to be known, one possible explantion comes from Breastfeeding Review(1988).
"Cabbage belongs to the "Brassicacea family' and contains mustard oil, magnesium, oxylate and
sulpur heterosides. Sulpha in the amino-acid methionine acts as an antibiotic and anti-irritant,
which in turn draws an extra flow of blood to the area. This dilates the capillaries and acts as
a counter-irritan, thus relieving the engorgement and allowing the milk to flow." I have no
other sources of how cabbage works. I do not know if red cabbage works or not but I would
imagine it would cause staining of the woman's chlothes. Sincerely Toby
Name: Toby Gish R.N.LLLL.IBCLC
E-mail: Toby Gish <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 07/02/96
Time: 06:45:44 AM

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