I really must vent about the article Attie refered to in her post.  It
drives me crazy when these articles are writted. Who decides how much of
anything is deficient?  Breastmilk is designed for babies over thousands of
years. Maybe we aren't SUPPOSED to have large quantities of certain
vitamins in our milk.  I just gets me when "whoever" decides it should be
some certain amount. What are they basing this on.  Obviously what is in
human milk is the quantities it SHOULD be.  Not the levels that "someone
sicientist" theorizes.  It seems as if they tried to analize human milk
then created this artificial stuff now the artifical stuff is used as THE
standard to judge human milk.  Hello, something is wrong here.      Gosh
where did that all come from?

Belinda Bohnert in Indianapolis Indiana.  Getting warmer.  Sun shinning a
great day.  Obviously I need to get out in it.  Bye.