For the past 2 years and probably many years before, undiagnosed, I
have suffered from a systemic candidiasis which has many of the same
symptoms as chronic fatigue.  Exhaustion, muscle aches, joint pain and
swelling, sometimes low grade fevers-and lots of other things we thought
were unrelated.  I think that it was even responsible for reoccuring masitis
many years back.
        I can't suggest strongly enough, having the mother with this problem
go to see a nutritionally oriented physician with experience treating CFS.
The results are almost miraculous.  I am awake at 10 pm sometimes even 11.
I get through a whole day of work.  I can do 20 minutes at a time on the ski
machine and walk a couple o miles.
        This is not to say I never have problems with this incidious
syndrome.  It's just to say there are solutions out there.  You can email me
privately for some ideas in the meantime,. but I would really suggest
looking for an MD that does this work.
Barbara Leshin-Zucker, IBCLC
Highland Mills, NY
he'll be and when.  Maybe you can all hook up.  What will you be doing there?
        I really miss you.  You are a good listener and have had enough