Hi Lactnetters,

This is my first venture in Lactnet - just signed on yesterday.  I wanted to
pass on a few thoughts about Chronic Fatigue.  I have had it for about three
years, fortunately not as severely as some I have read about.  I have
purchased about a dozen books on both chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia - the
symptoms are very similar.  In fact, some believe they are one in the same.
 In fibromyalgia, there are about 18 trigger points where extreme pain is
felt in the muscles.  This causes sleep deprivation, which results in waking
up feeling exhausted.  Thus the end result is chronic fatigue.  I (as is the
case with most chronic fatiguers) went to several doctors before I finally
got some validation and good advice.  I'll share my regimen.  Probably the
breastfeeding mom you wrote about has tried several of these.  But perhaps
there will be something to help ...

First, and foremost, I simplified my life by removing myself from obligations
that were demanding my time and energies.  At the same time, this reduced
stress - which is one of the most common causes of CF.  One of my most
bothersome symptoms was systemic yeast.  You might want to check to see if
the mom has any problems with thrush.  I have not been able to get a doctor
to treat me for yeast.  I now am on vitamin therapy with a chiropractor for
the yeast.  Chiropracty and massage are helping me tremendously.  I have a
full body massage weekly.  I tried pushing it to every two weeks, but the
fibromyalgia started flaring up again.  So I continue to treat myself to a
massage every Friday, as well as visiting the chiropractor once a month.
 I've tried to get both of these treatments covered by HMO but to no avail.
 I also take Prozac every morning; it increases serotonin levels.  At night I
take Flexeril, which is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Six months ago, I had only a few productive hours a day.  I spent a great
deal of time on the couch, sometimes unable to even lift my arms to read a
book.  Today I rarely have a bad day, as long as I keep up with my total
regimen.  I have tried a test of discontinuing the Prozac a couple of times
and felt symptoms returning.  So I've decided not to mess with progress.

There are several support groups for chronic fatiguers.  Also fibromyalgia
support groups.  If you need help locating one, let me know.  Though, if she
has had CF for 15 years she is probably better versed on that than I am.  I
would also suggest surfing the Internet for a listserve on Chronic Fatigue.
 I plan to do that, but don't have the first clue as to how.  If anyone can
turn me in the right direction, please do!

Judi Lauwers, Executive Director
Breastfeeding Support Consultants