Dear Lactnetters, I am responding to the posts that wonder if there is a corrlation between many
births and lactation failure. In Israel we have a unique situation which enables us to address
this least anecdotaly. Many of us work with populations that have a very high
birthrate. I provide BF support to such a community. Many of our LLLL's have more than 7
children...I can think of one with 11. Looking through my notes the women who have had problems
with supply in a later child always
seemed to have an identifiable problem not related to pariety. I have had mothers who have only
started Bf sucessfully with the 5-6-7th child.
I can remember some conferences here in Israel when the LLLL was BF her  littlest along with her
daughter who was bf her baby. Having said all this I think that the question of whether maternal
birth rate influences milk supply is interesting and worth studing. I know I will keep it in
mind for now on.Sincerely Toby. -------------------------------------
Name: Toby Gish R.N.LLLL.IBCLC
E-mail: Toby Gish <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 06/02/96
Time: 08:46:16 AM

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