I'm seeking some insight into the most recent problem that we've come across:
primip with preeclampsia delivered by ceasarean -- on MgSO4 but was able to
nurse initially (as the docs are coming around to a reasonable way of
thinking...). Mom was on post partum day 2 placed on Aldomet (Methyldopa) by
mouth. The pedi would not allow breastfeeding as she had two previous
incidences of babies with problems she feels were related to the drug. So, we
started the mom with pumping and the Special Care Nursery nurse calls me at
home that the substance coming from the mom's breasts is GREEN! My partner
was in to see the mom and described the milk as hunter (dark) green and
difficult to express with the hospital-grade Egnell or the Lactina pumps,
even while mom is engorged and using warm compresses. The OB sent the milk
for C&S and cytology and both tests were negative. My partner placed a call
to a Nurse Practitioner/LC in Philadelphia, but we haven't heard any
response. Does anyone have any insight or experience with this? Should we be
doing any kinds of tests with the mom and would it be OK for her to nurse???
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...KathyRubin   IBCLC RN in NJ