>I just had a dad return a pump who mentioned that his wife is still
>nursing their 6 week old, but now only on one side because the other
>side just dried up spontaneously.
I can
>understand if there was an anatomical variation, the milk supply should
>have been different from the beginning (I would think) or if there was a
>stimulus variation, which the dad has denied.  Has anyone else ever
>heard of this occuring, or know why it may have happened?
Hi.  I initially subscribed to this list only with the intention of lurking
to increase my own knowledge and perhaps to pass on some postings to
friends are midwife and LLLL without net access, but this posting has
caused me to speak up ......

My right breast does not "work as well" as my left, especially when
pumping.  This was more obvious when I first began to lactate 3+ years ago,
although my "problem" didn't show up for the first few weeks.

Now, for instance, I can not nurse on the right side for several hours and
only pump 1-2 oz. yet I will get 3-8 oz. out of my left breast after having
nursed with it within the previous hour (I'm nursing a 5 month old and 3
year old, btw).  My older child also comments on there not being as much in
the right side and says he doesn't like it since it's "hard to work."  The
baby doesn't care as long as he alternates sides regularly.  I have also
had numerous plugged ducts on the right.  (To help with production on that
side, I try to start with it most often and to have the baby sleep-nurse on
it when sucking for comfort at nap time and also to nurse on it the most at

My mother remembers me being hit with a fast-pitch softball without my
chest protector on when I was a young teenager and I hypothesize that this
somehow damaged my right breast (you'd think that *I* would remember that,
but I don't).  I also seem to remember the milk drying up in my right
breast when pregnant and still nursing, but I know I had milk in my left
breast while in labor (I could see it when my son nursed at that time).

I don't know if this helps any.  Just thought I'd let you know.  I think I
would not have any right-sided-milk if I didn't encourage production by
using that side more . . . . .

Dawn H-S
momma to two vocacious nursers!