Greetings fellow Lactnetters from very wet So. California.  I have been
'lurking' happily on
Lacnet and had to get my .02 cents in.

I am a LLLL for about 1 year and mother of Morgan, 3 and one on the way due
in late May.  I also have a small business with my husband, Chris selling
beneficial insects.

It is a shame that Ms. Robin feels the need to brand those of us who hold
differing views,
factually based as "cultists."  The label and put-down unfortunately discount
the validity
of our facts and opinions.  I find it curious that she preaches about
tolerance and acceptance of mother's who choose to use ABM and labels those
of us who are passionate about the benefits of Bfeeding.

This will only add to the "Mommy Wars" and lead to increased polarization
between those who choose different parenting styles.

I read Penny's original letter and felt it had a very respectful tone while
conveying her strong feelings.  Penny was able to refrain from childish
name-calling.  She must have
really hit a nerve to evoke the response that she did.

I have some additional comments and concerns for Ms. Robin that I would like
to address especially after reading her web page last night.  If anyone has
her e-mail address I would greatly appreciate their e-mailing me privately
with it.

Great letter, Penny!  Jamie Gilcrest, Morgan's Mom  LLL Leader
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