One of the reasons I stay on as an LLLL even though my plate is more than full (
being an RN, IBCLC, working on a grant and trying like heck to get more funding
or the grant will end, hospital LC work, LC education for the staff, supporting
other hospitals which want to become "baby friendly",  etc....) is that the only
way I see changes in moms is through the month by month contact with moms who
are growing and developing as their babies grow and develop.  I feel I'm the
only place (my meeting) where they will hear the words "it's OK to baby your
baby" or  "at times, the only thing we can do is cuddle them" or  "even if you
have to work, take the time when you get home to hold and cuddle" (instead of
the many ways your baby can be entertained while you do the really "important"
work of washing, cleaning, etc.).

I've often discussed this with Dr. Parrilla here in PR (whose plate is also very
full with 4 children, a business and the promotion of a breastfeeding program
through the School of Public Health) who has her own support group.  At times
the group keeps _us_ going!  We need the fulfillment we get from seeing these
moms and babies grow and develop.  I've never gotten this from hospital or
private LC work as I rarely saw the _next_  stage!

Every month, I'm tired out and think "this is the last Saturday I'm running that
group!"  Then I come back, having seen those babies grow another month, seen the
moms respond to their babies, and enjoyed their antics - as well as being able,
from the perspective of a mom of three college-aged children, to reassure them
that children DO grow, DO become independent, and this type of mothering DOES

In effect, it is my burnout-protection-plan!

Jeanette Panchula, BSW, LLLL, IBCLC, RN
Puerto Rico
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