I was moved by your experience. I myself have never had those kind of
obstacles. I feel I have just been lucky. Most of the mothers I help are
white and middle class. And they do need help too, but I often wish I could
do more for low-income and minority moms. I have connections at WIC and I
sometimes get a free pump for a mom or give some advice through the WIC
nutritionist. Even so I'm sure you are much more effective and I'm so glad
you're there. I once heard Karin Cadwell say that low-income mothers think of
breastfeeding as a luxury. They know it's better for their babies, but their
circumstances make it more difficult for them. This was a new concept for me.
Anyway I'm rambling. I mainly wanted to say how good it is you are there.
Thank you,
Marilee Woodworth, IBCLC, LLLL, Ann Arbor, Michigan
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