Hi All,
I did my part!  I called Oprah as soon as I saw the note to please do so!
Ok, I didn't talk to HER, but her secretary and I had a nice chat!   I told
her about Lactnet and what we do and who we are, how we help each other and
such.  I told her some of my BF in public stories (being asked to leave a
local bookstore and new moms asking to sit by me as I BF my toddler 'cause
they were afraid to BF by themselves, etc.)  I also told her that I'd love to
see Oprah do a show on the benefits of BF and the truth about ABM.  They are
very interested!  Of course, it would be best if one of our fellow
Lactnetters who does a lot of public speaking on this would do her show,
 anyone interested?  Maybe a couple of us?  I'll write the letter if someone
would like to go on TV with Oprah!
Anyway, she took my name and number,  maybe they'll fly me to Chicago and let
me sit in the audience!  :)  That'd be fun!