Hi All,
Regarding this issue of selling used pumps, I think that the store owner
should err on the side of caution.  I personally wouldn't want to buy a
personal product that had been used by someone else, but that's me.  The
store owner needs to tell people that come looking at these pumps that they
have been used and are considered personal products, you never know where
they've been and who has used them, for how long, etc.  Did the last person
who used it have a disease, thrush, some infection etc.?  No mention was made
of what type of pumps they were.  If some were the high quality pumps such as
Medela or Ameda/Egnell, then this owner should call the companies to make
sure that the pumps have not been reported as stolen.  I have heard time and
time again of these types of pumps turning up in thrift stores only to find
out that they were indeed stolen.
Caution is the key word here.
My .02