I was recently consulted by a woman 15 weeks into her 5th pregnancy who
could express green milk from one duct only in one breast.  I didn't see the
milk but she assured me it is definitely green, sometimes quite bright.  I
asked about diet, green veges, vitamin supplements, etc, but other than
being an exceptionally heavy coffee drinker and smoker nothing else seemed
relevant (besides wouldn't that affect all her milk, not just from one
duct?).  She did have a lump - umm, more of a palpable ductal system - at
the upper outer aspect of that breast.  She said the lump was often quite
sore, annoyingly so.  She also had painful lumps associated with hormonal
changes prior to pregnancy.

What do you think?

Denise Fisher, RM, IBCLC, NMAA Counsellor
Brisbane, Australia
(now employed as an LC in a hospital - a rare and wondrous thing for Queensland)
Steve Fisher
46 Nevin Street
Aspley Q 4034
tel +61 7 3263 8582
fax +61 7 3862 8651