I have a question about this that has been kicking around in my brain for
a while.  I understand the problems with reading a mammogram on a
milk-filled breast.  My questions are:  when weaning is recommended it is
usually done fairly quickly (a week or two) and then the mammogram is
performed.  Is the breast really a non-lactating one at this stage?
Doesn't it take longer for the tissue to be in a state where it is not so
dense?  How long would it likely to be necessary to wait in order to get
definitive results?  Aren't we then really messing with the risk benefit
ration if a woman is waiting almost a month before any mammogram.?  etc.
I really am confused and would appreciate some info from those in the know.

Sarah Friend Barnett, LLLL, IBCLC
Bronx (New York City), New York
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