It sounds like you have been doing all of the best things, but not all at
once;  you might consider adding lotrimon for the nipples and continuing
nystatin orally for baby's mouth *in conjunction with* the fluconazole
therapy.  Or, as an alternative, the gentian violet along with the diflucan.
 Sometimes you have to hit inside and out simultaneously; the systemic drug
doesn't always knock out the outer infections. Your mom sure has a bad case,
poor thing! Along with your dietary limits, she could also consider adding
garlic capsules (kyolic makes an odorless one) and lactobacillus or
acidophilus to help fight the yeast and replenish the good bacteria.

I assume you have also gone through the transmissible objects --- pacifiers,
bottles, toys, pads, bras, etc. and recommended sterilization?  It's a pain,
but when you have a stubborn case, you don't want to leave any stone
unturned. Good idea to culture the milk and have mom checked for anything
else. Let us know how this one goes!

-Lisa Marasco, IBCLC
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