Hi all,

Couple of questions:  To Denise, I too have wondered about unilateral yeast
-- having seen what might be it (all the right symptoms, but baby
asymptomatic in both cases).  On this second mom, I decided to go for the
easiest first, and so far so good...I suspected mild inflammation of the
ducts r/t repeated bouts of plugged ducts (Thanks Diane for the lecithin
recipe....), and had her try ibuprophen 400 mg q 6 hours for 24 hours.  She
said she felt like a new woman -- no deep ductal pain at all, and no burning
on the nipples.  Well, we'll see what happens.  That was just the first 24

What is everyone else's opinion about the possibility of unilateral thrush?
 Seems improbable, but then of course, nothing is impossible.

Second question:  For those of you who have been involved, one way or the
other, in court cases regarding custody disputes and nursing babies being
taken away from their moms and given to their dads for prolonged visitation,
what has been the outcome in most of the cases?  Have the courts resolved the
issues in favor of the bf mom & baby, or in the favor of the dad?  Please
e-mail me privately on this one.


Jan B.
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