Yeaterday I posted on tandem nursing.  I sited the wieghts of my babies and
those of a friend's twins-the mother continued to breastfeed throughout the
twin pregnancy.  The reason I posted that was to illustrate that it is
possible to breastfeed while pregnant with out harmimg the unborn baby.  I
believe that breastfeeding (not necessarily lactating) is not harmful in
pregnancy in an otherwise healthy woman. Of course someone posted those
situations, when a woman is at high risk for misscarriage, when neither sex
nor breastfeeding should be pursued.   Most, but not all women stop
producing milk during a subsequent pregnancy, but choose to continue to
nurse at the breast.   For other mothers, the hormonal changes of pregnancy
make breastfeeding too uncomfortable to continue.  Still others decide that
the coming of a new baby is the right time for them to wean from the breast.
The term "tandem nursing" means nursing siblings who are not twins.  Just to
help- I get the feeling that there are some LACTNETTERs who don't know about
tandem nursing, but want to learn.   Nancy Sherwood IBCLC  Perth, Australia