>From: Mary Renard <[log in to unmask]>
>>        [log in to unmask] (Mary Renard - LLLI Board)
Fellow LactNetters, the author has requested that I post her request for
help which was posted yesterday on LLLeaders On Line.  Regretfully, I've
already deleted the post just in the past few days which mentioned the
doctor in Florida who's had experience with a nursing baby and bone marrow

Please e-mail to Ginger at the address below.  Thanks so much.

>>The baby with acute lymphocytic leukemia is Quinn, born May 1995 to
>>Maureen's dear cousin Holly in New Orleans.  Since the ALL diagnosis he has
>>been on chemo--and is still nursing.  Bone marrow transplant or fetal stem
>>transplant (using cord blood) scheduled for February 1996.  Doctors insist
>>that baby must stop nursing entirely and forever after this procedure.
>>Reason given is that compromised immune system would be vulnerable to
>>attack by bugs in mother's milk.
>>Mother Holly would like to continue nursing, but wants concrete information
>>that applies in this case--for herself and to share with the doctor.  Holly
>>would also benefit from support of a Leader who has been in a similar
>>As Maureen has given so much to mothers in North Carolina, we would like to
>>give back to her family at his time.  Please post information or references
>>that may be helpful.  And please let me know if you are the Leader--or a
>>friend of the Leader--who is the one to reach out to Holly and Quinn.  I'll
>>put you in touch.
>>Ginger Sall, sall@interpath,com
>>LLL of Cary PM, North Carolina, USA