A follow-up to my post last week about the seven-month old baby with diarrhea
 whose mother was drinking four cups of herbal tea a day to increase milk
supply (fenugreek seeds tea and mother's milk tea) :  after cutting out the
teas for just a few days, the diarrhea stopped.

Her next call was about the effect on the baby of adding nutritional
de-bittered brewer's yeast to her diet to help her cope with the stress of
returning to work (has to for financial reasons).
I've personally found brewer's yeast does boost my coping level ( sometimes I
think it's just opening the can that does it) but I remember overdoing it
with one of my babies who in hindsight was terribly gassy as a result.  I
cautioned this mother to start very gradually with half a teaspoonful,working
up to a tablespoonful, so that both their digestive systems could adjust. Are
there any other brewer's yeast devotees out there ?

This must be my week for alternative medicine: another client with a two
month old has nipple thrush. She does not want to use prescribed medication
and asked me about homeopathic remedies. This is not my area of expertise and
I referred her to the homeopathic practitioner that she usually consults- but
I'd like to be more knowledgable. Anyone have any information ?  Lisa Amir
are you reading this ?

Beverley Rae in New York
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