I absolutely believe that bf at night is essential for feeding as well as
reassurance for the child. When mother works, even more so: the child
needs a *capital of caresses*, and the mother needs to be close to the
baby. Even true for nursing toddlers.

I also agree with Ms. Dettwiler that having an active career is good
policy, as a general rule (ref. to post some time ago), and we should
work to implement paid maternity leave and work-site day care, rather than
relying on husband to earn a living. In fact, I have benefitted from and
for such in my workplace... worst ennemies: other professional women,
childless or having raised their youth in another time :( (Thou shalt not
mix profession and family)

But when is a working breastfeeding mother supposed to sleep ? Or is she ?

Louise Denhez, M.D., M.P.H
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