Barbara Pinchera requested advice on breastfeeding books for a mother to
read over the last four months of her pregnancy.  Here are some possible

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding - La Leche League - 1991
The Baby Book - William and Martha Sears - 1993 (chapters 8 & 9)
Breastfeeding, Pure and Simple - Gwen Gotsch - 1993
Bestfeeding: Getting Breastfeeding Right for You - Mary Renfrew, Chloe
        and Suzanne Arms - 1990
The Nursing Mother's Companion - Kathleen Huggins - 1990
Nursing Your Baby - Karen Pryor and Gale Pryor - 1991

Are there any La Leche League groups in your area?  If she feels reluctant
to attend alone for the first time, I think a phone call to a local leader
on your part, with the mother's permission, of course,  would allow the
leader to send a personal note or phone call to make this mother feel
welcomed.  If she is comfortable, let her make the call herself.  If she is
too shy, consider going with her to a meeting.  The other mothers she would
meet would help her build a support group before this baby comes, since you
said she doesn't have breastfeeding support from her family or current
friends.  By listening, observing and asking questions at meetings, she can
pick up lots of points to help her feel more secure and comfortable in
starting out.  And if she runs into any difficulties in the first few days
of nursing, by then she should feel comfortable in calling the LLL Leader
she has gotten to know over the four months left of her pregnancy.  By then
she should have built some friendships among the other mothers as well.
Hope this helps.
Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL Leader in Madison, WI