Another update.  the baby I've posted about before went to the chiropractor
today.  The chiropractor felt that the baby had a couple of tight places in
her spine and did an adjustment of the baby's head.  Mother felt that baby
fed better immediately.   She said that baby formed a better seal and that
she did more swallowing, suck/swallow was more "normal".  I haven't seen the
baby yet.  It will be interesting.

The chiropractor recommended the mother take borage and flax oil to increase
her milk supply.  Apparantly the manufacturer says not for use with pregnant
and lactating mothers.  Anybody have any experience?

What about prolactin levels.  If a mother is checked for prolactin levels at
9 weeks ppd are the levels any indicator of her ability to produce a full
milk supply?

Denise Parker, BA, IBCLC (La Crescenta, CA)
To Avoid Criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing