Thanks to all for the various ideas posted in response to my original post
about yeast living in a diaphragm.  Actually - I am *real* sure that this is
what has happened, despite the lack of written information or midwife's
knowledge about it, as I have considered all the other possibilities that
have been raised and have been able to rule them out.

Mostly I wanted to let everyone know that when you're helping a mom who's got
a yeast problem, it is one more thing to consider - and I know that without
documentation it may be a tough sell, but it's worth thinking about.  I've
gotten private e-mail from two LactNetters who think they've had the same
problem, so I know I'm not the only one who's suffered out there although I
am the only one who's posted it to a list of almost 800 people!!!!!!!!!!!
 Pat Drazin's comment about yeast living on paci's seems particularly apropos
and is certainly evidence enough for me!  If I find out anything more about
what sort of treatment IS okay (heat, chemical?) for a diaphragm then I'll
let y'all know.

Mary Renard
feeling rather dough-y since Christmas, rather than yeast-y :-)