Dear Lactnetters...After reading about the Saudi ban on the Lactnet
-I was very happy to read in this morning's Maariv (Hebrew newspaper) about the ban on abm
advertising in Saudi Arabia. It was presented as a straight news item with no commentary. It
will be interesting to see if it will draw any response in Israel. The Health ministry in Israel
has also published a statement that abm is  not to be advertised directly to moms in hospital or
in well baby clinics...but this is flagrently ignored.The best Hebrew information about bf is
given to mothers free in a pamplet that is chock full of abm advertising. Many hospitals allow
samples to be given to mothers.I have managed to get them repeatedly thrown out from my
hospital...but it is a constant fight . Mead Johnson has done a brillant job of pushing Enfalac
for babies that weigh under three many mothers feel that if their baby is under 3
kilos they should be supplementing with E.
As far as sleep makes your heart hurt to read such info....I have a Nutrition text
from 1960 that says that a baby sould be handeled only for changing it's diapers and
feeding...and the rest of the time it  should be on a hard mattress....of course should be left
to cry alone....It is painful even to write these words.
    .Katherine I have carefully read your chapter -Beauty and the Breast in Bioculteral Aspects
and I still find it hard to dismiss completely the sexual nature of breast stimulation in some
people. I did not mean being sexually stimulated while one was breastfeeding...but in the
context of sexual relationships. Even if this response is culturally doesn't negate
the effect. What IS wrong is the exploitation of breasts and women.
Skipping to breast reduction...I have had mothers who sucessfully breastfed even with the nipple
being severed...and mothers who didn't seem to ever have enough milk..Sorry about mixing
messages but I have only been able to read the digests on the run the last few days .Thanks for
being there folks.
.Name: Toby Gish R.N.IBCLC
E-mail: Toby Gish <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 18/01/96
Time: 03:05:37 PM

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