This is my 4th day as a subscriber to Lactnet. So far, I've found this to be
a wonderful avenue for sharing BF information. It's an exciting find! I'm a
mother of 3 excl.BF children, 19 yr., 15 yr. and soon to be 13 yr. old, this
Sat., LLL Leader for 13 yrs., now on reserve and an IBCLC since 1991. In
June of '95 we moved to Memphis from Sikeston, MO. In MO, worked for a local
WIC agency for nearly 5 years, which I enjoyed very much. Did individual
consults, taught BF classes, home/hospital visits, developed/administered a
peer counselor program for 2 yrs.and was involved in district BF task force
that reported to the state BF tast force. I have enjoyed the discussions
here on WIC over the past few days and have experienced some the same
frustrations as well as rewards. All too often, WIC moms are stereotyped and
I agree there are some pretty neat women on WIC. It was especially rewarding
to see how BF and peer counselor training can build self-esteem and lead to
positive changes in these women's lives.

Here in Memphis I began working for Methodist Alliance Health Services in
Home Medical Equipment in Oct.of this year. An unlikely place for an LC???
We are under the umbrella of Methodist Health Systems in a 3-4 state area.
Locally, we have 5 hospitals, one recently acquired, LeBonheur Children's
Hospital. Seems to be a rapidly growing company, acquiring new companies,
creating new programs. In home med. equip., we are an exclusive "retail
store" for Medela products (I apologize if I stated that incorrectly). We
rent pumps and carry all Medela products. That's where I come in. I
demonstrate pumps/BF devices, do deliveries, set-ups, as well as follow-up
on the moms w/in 2 days to be sure they're happy with the equipment and to
see if they have questions, pumping or BF. Monthly phone follow-ups are also
made. So far, this has been very well received. Am also doing home/hospital
visits/consults. Am one of two IBCLC's in the Memphis Methodist System, so
am trying to make a contribution to the hospitals by way of offering my
services for education of HCP's, am on newly organized hospital BF tast
force and proposing BFHI. Would also like to teach BF classes for Methodist,
but not much progress in that area as yet. There is always so much work to
be done. I LOVE this work!

Look forward to communicating with you in the future. Going to get back to
reading my "mail" now.

Melody Engberg, IBCLC
<[log in to unmask]> (T.Engberg is my husband)
Memphis, TN USA - 70 degrees here today! Crazy, but nice, weather!!!

Brad Engberg
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