Margery Wilson, Pardee Hinson,
Thanks for the feedback.  After a few more days of letting the
pregnant-with-twin-mom-who-wants-to-pump-not-bf situation gel a little
more, I realized that part of the reason it bothered me so much was
that it simply hit too close to home.  As a mother of twins who had to
pump full time for a month for one, I worked very hard to get my baby
back to the breast.  I simply can't imagine why anyone would choose
this state of affairs.  I go to great lengths to get mothers of
multiples any information to keep them from wasting any time at all,
because time is so precious when you have more than one. Many times I
agonized over the possibility that my babies weren't both getting the
attention they needed, and breastfeeding helped calm those fears.

Anyhow, I slipped a little here with my reaction to the mom/pump
situation because I didn't step back and detach.  I do realize that
each individuals is entitled to her decision, I would simply prefer
that decisions be based on solid information.
Susan Betz