Hi everyone-
Thank you all for wonderful discussions and opportunities for real
intellectual growth.

In reference to the recent Lactnet posting about widely spaced breasts
being a reason for divorce I asked my Talmud teacher (chairman of the
Dept of Talmud at Jewish Theological Seminary, NY).  He gave me the
following information.

It is in the Babylonian Talmud - Ketubot 75A.  There is not an extensive
discussion about why - It only states that if the breasts are separated by
more than a handspan it is considered a "moom" or defect and is grounds
 for divorce.  My teacher thought it was a matter of beauty but I told
him about the insufficient glandular tissue problem.  He said that he
will look further in the Palestinian Talmud, and a few other places for
more discussion.

Sarah Friend Barnett, LLLL, IBCLC
Bronx (New York City), New York
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