All of us read the *long* lists of postings. I read upwards of 100 per day
sometimes (like snow storms in the east). It is courteous to pare down the
post to which you are responding to just enough material so we get the sense
of the message. If we missed it, its always available in its entirety in the

If you choose not to do that, please start your message on the first line
and "push" the copied text down. That makes it so much easier to find *your*
message rather than the previous one.

I happen to be on a *fixed price* server, but these reposting of long
messages *kills* the folks on AOL.

Thanks for helping. I'm one of the few who don't use the digest because I
kept finding necessary info in the midst of interesting-but nonessential to
my needs- material.

Lactnetters are the greatest!
Dick Copeland