Dr. Hale or anybody,

I would like to have information about Toradol for a nursing mother.  Our
local general surgeon tells us that at another hospital that he goes to he
wrote a post-op order for injectable Toradol for a Post C Section
breastfeeding mother and the pharmacist refused to fill the order because she
said that it was contraindicated in BF mothers.  His thinnking ( and mine) is
that it would be better than a narcotic.  I know that the drug insert talks
about possible adverse effects of prostaglandin-inhibiting drugs on neonates,
but the the milk concentration they cite of 7.9 ng/ml and the milk/plasma
ratio of .0025 seem make it seem to me that the levels the child would get
would be quite small.

We would appreciate your imput and any published citations that we could
share with her.  Or for you to tell us that, Yes indeed she is correct, it
should not be used.


*  Jon Ahrendsen, M.D. FAAFP, LLLI Medical Associate   *
*  215 13th Ave SW                                                        *
*  Clarion, Iowa 50525  USA                                            *
*  515-532-2836, FAX 532-2523, Email [log in to unmask]   *