
Because of the poverty in my area (1/3 of all deliveries are Medicaid,
higher percentage on WIC), I try to avoid the cost benefit of
breastfeeding twins altogether unless I'm sure I'm talking to a private
insurance mom.  I try to present it in terms of time saved, and how mom
can leave a baby attached while burping the other, and how much more
sleep mom can get if she bfs.  The sleep issue really helps if mom has
already had children and understands that infants wake in the night.
Still the perception that bottles are easier is pervasive.  Will she be
working after the babes arrive?  perhaps you can use the time argument
successfully whether her answer is yes or no.

It's unfortunate that this staff member is eligible for WIC, and that
she apparently sees no appreciable difference between bf and ABM.  I
have similar problems with the hospital staff in my area.  On the
bright side, many of my long-term pump rentals have been to nurses and
other hospital staff.
Susan Betz