Remember all the letters many of you wrote regarding a breast cancer prevention
article which appeared in Woman's Day? As I recall the reason Woman's Day gave
for not including BF as a preventative measure against breast cancer was
because "not all women are mothers." They did include one of these letters to
the editor in their 2-1-96 issue.

"I noted that in "10 best ways to Fight Breast Cancer" you left out the
easiest, least expensive way of all: breastfeeding.  Not only could
breastfeeding decrease a woman's risk of breast cancer, it provides many
benefits to the baby."

Editor's reply:
"You raise a good point.  Some research does show that bf may protect women
from breast cancer, and those planning to bear children should keep it in mind.
But our aim was to focus on things all women can do to lower their breast
cnacer risk.:

They just didn't get it...

Kathie Tilton, RN, IBCLC
Lahey Hitchcock Clinic
Manchester, NH