Hello, all!  I'm a Doula in Seattle, and have been lurking here for
a few months.  I cannot tell you what a valuable resource Lactnet is for
non-professionals like me.  I learn so much from you all! I'm a new birth
and postpartum Doula, married 1 year, and an aspiring midwife. (Applying to
midwifery school this month!)
        I would really appreciate it if someone would privately e-mail me
with info about overfeeding colic. I have a postpartum client, second baby,
who this may apply to.  Her lactation consultant , a wonderful woman, by
the way, diagnosed reflux .  Keeping baby upright, and giving mylicon
drops, didn't help.  Baby grunts, strains, squirms, and fusses almost all
the time.  I shared with her what I'd read here, and it really made sense
to both of us.  Baby is now much happier being carried in a sling, and not
offered the breast each time he fusses, but an occasional finger or
pacifier to suck. A strong need to suck runs in this family.
        Anyway, baby is happier, and the Mom and I would love to know more
about this subject.  I make wonderful homemade soap, and would gladly send
some to anyone willing to take the time to share more info with me. TIA!

Warmest Regards,
April Tutino