OK everybody get ready for this one because I  would not have seen it in a
million years.

Mom gave the real story (we think) to my partner. Mom really wants to
breastfeed but
DAD *absolutely* forbids her to breastfeed this child. Why?
Here's the list according to the mother
1. Her last baby (24 mo ago) had severe neonatal dehydration and suffered a
stroke and apparently is institutionalized. Mother's insistance on
breastfeeding only was blamed.
2. Mom feels trapped and afraid of dad. She alleges that he won't let her
leave the house without him, took away her driver's license and the telephone
(Thank God, social services is now in on the case) Maybe my gut feeling about
not wanting to be assulted by the dad wasn't too far off. (I noticed I left
the word *not* out of my last post)
3. Dad allegedly recently brought home the herpes that was the reason for the
4. Mom wants a divorce, he says she can't have it.

Holy cow. And I had the nerve to feel bad about the incident. Perhaps the
incident that felt so bad to me: will be what this lady needed to get some
assistance. It sends chills down my spine.
Thanks one and all