Fellow LactNetters, I have finally sat myself down to work on a chapter for
a book (which was due the end of September) -- on the topic of
"Breastfeeding in Evolutionary Perspective."  I would like those of you who
have commented on, or have experience with, the following issues, to please
e-mail privately with your thoughts/anecdotes, as well as with citations to
ANY published studies on these topics.  Thanks greatly in advance.  I will
acknowledge all who contribute by name, unless you prefer that I not:

1.      The issue of suctioning newborn infants as a routine hospital
procedure, and whether this might lead to later problems breastfeeding.

2.      The issue of medications used in labor and delivery that lead to
later problems breastfeeding.

In this chapter I am supposed to suggest different medical practices that
might alleviate these iatrogenic problems, as well as suggest new lines of
research to clarify the issues I raise.  These two issues are those for
which I *think* there is very little published research; in these cases
anecdotes from lactation consultants will carry great weight.  I think I
have other topics (bottles of glucose or ABM, nipple confusion,
mother-infant separation, early discharge, etc.) covered.

Thanks in advance!

Kathy Dettwyler