ORal rehydration solutions are not neccessary for breastfed infants with
colds.  These solutions are used in very severe diarrhea and vomiting, to
replace fluids and a few electrolytes when children are in danger of
dehydration.  This most commonly occurs with formula fed children.  Breastfed
infants with diarrhea or vomiting should be maintained on the breast,
according to Ruth Lawrence, MD in her book Breastfeeding a Guide for the
Medical Profession, because the low renal solute load of breastmilk does not
predispose to dehydration.  Giving oral rehydration solutions to an infant
with a cold would reduce the calories and immunological resources this child
takes in from breastmilk.  If baby is unhappy, counsel mom to nurse more
frequently.  Many babies with nasal congestion are better able to breathe at
the breast, and are better able to breastfeed than bottle feed.  Many ill
breastfed children nurse frequently to constantly during an illness...they
know what they need.
Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC  nyc  [log in to unmask]