Our hospital has a new policy in place on cup feeding, but only a few of us have
any comfort level with it.  I've had some success using it in my private
practice and on the unit.  A training blitz is scheduled for January to update
our staff on all breastfeeding policies including alternative feeding methods,
especially cup feeding.  I cup fed a little guy today (using a medicine cup) who
was 32 hours old and still hadn't figured out this sucking thing.  Mom had a 25
hour labor, 12 hour epidural, ending in CS for fetal distress.  Had a couple of
bottles on nights but would not latch at breast (or suck on my finger).  Just
screamed.  I convinced him to take 15 cc of SimFe the first time, and 20 cc
about 2 hours later.  At that point, he began to root so we gave him to mom and
he took a few sucks.  She pumped a small amount of colostrum and I showed dad
how to cup feed it to baby.  The plan was to continue pumping/cup feeding until
he catches on, but since there will be no LC there again until 9:30 a.m.
tomorrow morning, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

FYI, the following is our policy/procedure for term infants written by myself
and several nurses with information from articles and Sandra Lang's talk at
        Indication is need to feed baby supplement without introducing rubber
        The following procedure is for term infants
        Small cup with smooth top edge
        Cloth for catching drips
        Expressed breastmiulk or breastmilk substitute