As one whose only knowledge of the Ezzo program has come secondhand, I
have some basic questions about how that program works that perhaps the
Ezzo representative could address.

1)  What numbers, if any, are actually mandated (number of nursings per
day, changes in those numbers at certain ages, number of minutes per
nursing) and on what basis were those numbers selected?

2)  If additional nursings would give pleasure to both mother and baby,
are they expected to forego that particular pleasure?  If so, why, and are
there other areas of mutual mother-baby pleasure that are also restricted
(such as kissing, stroking, snuggling)?

3)  Most of the breastfeeding specialists here on lactnet, and most of
our peers around the world, are familiar with the baby who fails to grow
adequately simply because his mother has been restricting either the
frequency or the length of nursings.  Once she offers the breast more
freely and allows him to nurse to his satisfaction, the growth problem
quickly resolves.  How does the Ezzo program recommend dealing with
babies who fail to grow adequately on restricted nursing?

4)  Are any restrictions put on the amount of time allowed for meal
preparation for the rest of the family?  Are any restrictions put on the
amount of time that can be spent at the family table?

5)  Is there anything about your program that you feel the public has
misinterpreted, or that you would like to clarify for this audience?

Thank you for letting us hear about the program in your own words.

Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, LLLL  Ithaca, NY