>I have had several mothers travel both to Europe and Asia using the Lactina
>Plus without problems.
Hope this info is helpful to those who are looking for 220's. I only rent
the Medelas, but my travels tell me that any machine should be able to work
through the appropriate adapter. The key to other appliances has been to be
sure your adapter is heavy duty (i.e. almost industrial strength), and not
light duty like most tourists carry. The adapter should do all the work of
transforming the current. If you need something that's 220 direct into the
pump that's another matter & I have no info.

BTW IMHO (man I'm getting good at the shorthand) this is one of those issues
where we are dealing with *factual information* and should need to be
handled by private e-mail (unless it's too long). Putting this kind of
information into our storage devices may mean an answer sometime way in the
future. Plea---let's be professionals. Brand names are important in this
case, as are models, because of the technical needs, not to tout a specific
brand for commercial gain. As kathlene often says, "that's my .o2."

Changing slightly, we were privileged to give a hand pump to a missionary
couple going into the "outback" where there *was* no electricity of *any*
kind. They should have biceps like a weight-lifter before this tour is over!.

Good experiences don't necessarily need to exclude each other!
Dick Copeland