I would like to introduce myself after several weeks of watching. I am
Medical Director of Lactamar - Instituto de Lactancia Materna( Lactamar  came
from "lactar es amar" in english "breastfeeding is love"). We are working
very hard here in Puerto Rico with Janet Panchula and others in promoting
breastfeeding. Lacnet is a marvelous souce of information for us, as we are
on an island where bf is rare and not too popular among health care
providers. We are giving a Breastfeeding Management course for health care
providers around the island and the information af Lactnet has helped us a
lot. Congratulations to all of you!
In regard to cultural practices, Janet gave a very good explanation about the
broad meaning of Hispanic culture, I agree with her in every point. In Puerto
Rico many mothers give to babies "té de anis" (star anise), "yerba buena",
chamomille and "té de naranjo leaves".  I don't recomend to use it during the
early weeks (due to interference with  milk supply and nipple confusion), but
many mothers had use it without any problem on babies with colic for decades.
This a common cultural practice on the island.
Ana ... mother of four BF children
Ana M. Parrilla, M.D., M.P.H., IBCLC
LLLI Medical Associate
Lactamar - Instituto de Lactancia Materna
PO Box 22144 UPR Station
Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, 00931
809-753-6467 / 809-765-2998