I started renting the electronic scale from the big pump company in August.  I
still haven't become completely comfortable with the routine, but have been
very pleased with the improvement in precision of my assessments.  Even if I
don't do ac/pc weights, having such an exact nude weight is wonderful.

There are a number of negatives, but stress to the moms has not been one of
As a matter of fact, I have observed the reverse.  Our reluctance to use this
technique may be tied to how this was used in the bad old days by hospital
nurseries which then didn't have accurate enough scales to be doing what they
were doing.  Add to that the negative way that this information was presented
to the moms (probably many of us).

The negatives are the expense, the bulk ("my black bag" is now three large and
heavy bags, along with a large purse,  I put all four over my two shoulders and
knock down anything in my path), and the increased time and complexity of the

The positives are the response from the physicians receiving the reports and
the parents comfort with having a little more data on what is happening.

I delayed trying the pump for more than a year because of my prejudice against
ac/pc weights.  I think that I was wrong and I intend to continue using the
scale.  (ac/pc means before feed and after feed)

Ruth of Verona WI