In> Date:    Tue, 19 Dec 1995 17:13:07 GMT
 In> From:    Jeanne Fisher <[log in to unmask]>
 In> Subject: Lactation Assistants

 In> accredited La Leche League Leader.  Leaders have been through an
 In> application process that qualifies them to represent LLLI.  We are
 In> not baby LCs, we are accredited Leaders fully qualified to give
 In> accurate information and offer support to a nursing mother.

While it's true that in LLL we have almost unlimited access to
breastfeeding information, to become a Leader we are required only
to have *basic* breastfeeding information.  In addition, we are
never tested on our knowledge before becoming a Leader.
Many Leaders I know are extremely well educated on the subject of
lactation; however this is something they have done beyond the
requirements of LLL.  I would feel very uncomfortable calling myself
a Lactation Consultant unless I had those letters, IBCLC, to put
behind my name.  As an LLLL, when I refer a mom to a lactation
consultant she will be an IBCLC too, for my own peace of mind.  If
she's not that, then I might as well help the mom myself because those
letters are the only way I know an LC is qualified.

The title of Lactation Assistant appeals to me.  There is a need for
a link between the IBCLC and the LLLL.  Some women are uncomfortable
contacting a volunteer organization and would prefer to pay; others
(sadly, IMHO) are put off by what they perceive LLL philosophy to be.

Jo Clark (3 shopping days to Christmas and I haven't even begun!)