In a message dated 95-12-20 11:29:36 EST, Lisa writes:

>Good question re: pumping between feedings. I do know that they have a
>problem with "obsessing" on breastfeeding, but I'm not sure what the
>answer to your question is. Anyone else?

My *guess* is that they would not like this idea for a couple of reasons.
 1)Part of the idea of the schedule is so that Mom will be relaxed and able
to run her household, fully participate in church functions, and serve her
husband.  Pumping would be too time-consuming.  2)Given that they have a
midwife & a CLE who work with them and seem to know just enough lactation
stuff to be dangerous, I imagine that they would say that this is an
unnessecary expenditure of time and money...that the problem will correct
itself in time, or "maybe you're a mom who can't brfeed and that's nothing to
feel badly about".                    ???
